- Adam Beaudreaux was a soldier in Vietnam, when he got wounded. He was fortunate that a young boy named Grady Jameson, whose parents were missionaries, found him and got him to help. Years later, Beaudreaux is now a cop, and he has also vowed to find Grady, whom he never saw again after that. Eventually he finds and he …
- 美国派遣特种部队去哥伦比亚摧毁价值连城的古柯碱。第三次终于得手,使得毒枭愤而宣战,雇用电脑骇客,成功劫持美国潜水艇罗斯福号,驶向纽约市,目标是联合国。但特种部队因有一人丧生,其他人誓言与毒枭对抗到底,遂闯入毒枭总部,找到电脑骇客,逼问之下才知毒枭已更改潜水艇密码。而毒枭已逃逸,唯一方法是上潜水艇设法改密码。五角大楼女性…
- Brad, Steve, Hue, and Marvin are four get-nowhere boys who are forced into summer school, ending up at Cockswell Academy under the supervision of Principal Arsenault. The boys play a game where they earn points for every girl with which they score. On misadventures of their own, they decide to go for the ultimate 100-p…