搜索 Gerry

  • 扎克(塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen 饰)与米莉(伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks 饰)虽然不是情侣,但他们对彼此再熟悉不过了,二人同居一室,彼此分担生活支出,唯独没有过亲密接触,因为扎克认为这会让情况变复杂,不过他们眼下面临更复杂的问题——缺钱。账单堆积如山、房子被停水停电,本欲参加感恩节高中同学聚会排遣冬夜寒意,无奈他们除了…
  • 埃及导演夏因的“亚历山大三部曲”之一,以二战期间的埃及亚历山大城为背景,人物众多,谋刺丘吉尔的恐怖分子,热爱戏剧的学生,流亡的犹太人等。该片于1979年获柏林银熊奖。夏因在1982年和1990年分别完成了另外两部曲《埃及故事》(tt0084042)和《永恒的亚历山大》( tt0099858)。
  • 特工洛克•斯莱格是一位风流倜傥的男性特工,对女性有不可抵抗的吸引力。由于他在一次行动中受伤,导致无法继续抓捕犯罪集团的头目“绿鹅”。情报局局长在探病时恰好遇到和洛克长得一模一样的弗雷德•弗林石东,于是灵机一动把整个任务交给了弗雷德,让他去巴黎和犯罪集团的二号人物塔尼娅接头。此前,由于塔尼娅听闻洛克的风采并被他折服,已经…
  • 你的最隐秘的想法,甚至自己无意识的想法,最隐私的秘密,都能被人读出的时候你会怎么感觉?sonychen 严重推荐
  • Emma Burke (Madsen), an unhappily married mother of two, arrives in Hawaii to attend the funeral of Lily, the woman who raised her since infancy. While she's sad about her surrogate mom's death, she also grateful for the chance to escape the demands of her busy, but unfulfilling, life in Boston. Soon Emma's emotional l…
  • When the superintendent of the Canadian insane asylum, Dr. Maurice Bucke, meets poet Walt Whitman, his life and that of his wife and patients is radically changed. Like Dr. Bucke, Whitman has avant-garde ideas on the subject of mental illness. "Dreamers" is based on true events. Dr. Bucke became an important …
  • Genre: Drama / ShortPlot Summary: Northern Ireland. Soldiers, through inattention, run into a car with a woman and her young son. Two years later, a horse is stuck in the river, and the soldiers happen along, but the horse's owner is violently opposed to their help; he relents, but his hostility is obvious when his dau…
  • 当外交手段失效,唯有不择手段。在新的一集里,著名嘻哈组合Naughty By Nature其中一员Treach主演探员尼尔肖恩,他的任务是设法阻止北韩恐怖份子得到**游戏。但任务并非想象那么简单,肖恩为救其线人(花花公子模特儿李善喜),不惜以身犯险,最终被诬陷为杀人犯。成为通辑犯的肖恩,带着新丁搭档和神秘的线人,他不得不使出浑身解数,找遍韩国…