- The 1946/1947 murder trial of young and beautiful Evelyn Dick remains the most lurid murder case in Canadian history. After children find only the torso of her missing husband, John, Evelyn is arrested for his murder. The head and limbs had been sawed from his body and evidence that they had been burned in the furnace …
- 基于同名的著名角色扮演游戏的龙与地下城2讲领你进入又一个黑暗的奇幻世界中的史诗冒险。邪恶的术士Damodar扬帆闯过巨大的漩涡,夺取了黑暗元素宝珠以进行他对Ismir的复仇。久经沙场的勇士Berek和外行的术士Melora召集了四名分别具备了智力,智慧,荣誉与力量的英雄以对抗Damodar逐渐聚拢起的军队。他们战胜了鹰身女妖和冰霜的巨龙,终于到达了…