搜索 Payne

  • A young boy gets lost somewhere in between imagination and reality. His greed threatens to be the end of him as he stumbles upon a creature lurking in his attic.
  • 德西卡作品,此片秉承了意大利现实主义精髓,关注战后普通民生,剧情一波三折,演员演技精湛,镜头也十分讲究;一对相爱的小夫妻苦于无地可住,在遭遇家庭排挤、投奔朋友无解、租房无望后,急中生智,充分利用丈夫的手艺行当,意欲在一夜之间令“江山大改”,虽最后紧急关头屋顶尚留一方空白,但结尾处警察的高抬贵手,给本片留下温馨余味;片名…
  • 电影剧情
    求生的邻家女童, 赴死的奥运冠军, 无助的受骗股民, 破产的英国厂主, 豪赌的资本大鳄, 狂热的恐怖分子。 所有的这些都将被千钧一发的核大战化为灰烬? 那位天马行空、化腐朽为神奇、让上帝都微笑的杰克,这次又会带给人们什么样的希望? dianshiyu.com《天马•警世录》,一部看了还想再看的电影。
  • A film about improvised music.Featuring Evan Parker, Eddie Prévost, Mats Gustafsson, Thurston Moore,Peter Brötzmann, John Tilbury, Chris Corsano and many more.一部关于自由即兴的短片。
  • A struggling actress and an aspiring playwright pour all of their creative energy into the only paying work they can find: role-playing demonstrations for corporate training seminars. When they book the biggest gig of their careers at a hotel conference, they commence work on their most ambitious production to date.
  • When estranged brothers Adam and Clint attempt to reconnect over a week-long hunting trip in remote British Columbia, they find the tables turned by a mysterious presence lurking in the forest. Convinced that they are now besieged by a supernatural presence, the siblings begrudgingly agree on only one thing: they will …
  • 'Work is the curse of the drinking classes' - Oscar Wilde Mike and Dave, two Northern British idiots sponging off the state, find themselves pissed up with a case load of cash and the vague memory of a dodgy job offer. But when the sinister Mr. Martin comes to check his 'task' has been completed, Mike and Dave must lea…
  • 99% of the human race has colonized on Mars. The remaining few work to rehabilitate our dying planet. Each year a small number are selected to return home to aid inthe process. For those few| it will be their first glimpse of Earth. We follow them on their journey in this sci-fi psychological thriller. Go home. For the…
  • In this animated short, a terrible curse deprives Balthasar's kingdom of its stories. Taking the unicorn's horn back into The Belly of the Earth is the solution. Poppety will lead an expedition, by chance uncovering a hitherto closely guarded family secret. Poppety in the Fall concludes the thrilling animated series of…