搜索 Ghio

  • Four directors presents four episodes about one of the most terrifying legends from Brazil: the Sanguanel, a Italian creature who terrorized European immigrants in the 19th century.
  • 伯爵夫人卡米拉——一个迷人的年轻女人回到威尼托省她那个偏僻的别墅。她的存在,立即破坏了那里原本安宁的旧式生活。
  • Adrian Quiroga, the beast, arranges an orphan in his life around to blows, and the younger, working in a refrigerator, when the then Colonel Peron was arrested, began his career as a boxer. Wins his first fight when he spoke to the people Peron autoconvocado in the Square, and is a great capeon when Peron exercised his…
  • Well respected Pompeiian Glaucus performs an act of kindness by buying Nidia, a blind slave being mistreated by her owner. Nidia falls in love with her new master, but he only has eyes for Jone. Jone in turn is lusted after by Arbace, an Egyptian high priest of Isis. When Nidia beseeches Isis for help in capturing Glau…
  • A film about a telephone romance between two people who are under the impression that they are strangers, but who in acutality are acquaintances. The film shows that a relationship can be more profound and intimate when there is a physical distance involved.In Buenos Aires, a poor student keeps himself in college by wo…
  • 雅娜原本是生长在波兰的纯樸乡村,因近来雅娜一家人赖以为生的鹅毛卖得不好,全家大小无以为生。某一天,平静的小镇来了一位开着轿车、衣着光鲜的外地人—美心先生,他的到来为雅娜的未来蒙上阴影。美心先生看上年幼纯真的雅娜,想娶她为妻,原本大家以为雅娜找到好人家,从此可以脱离贫困的日子,谁知道美心先生心存不轨,带着蒙蒙懂懂的雅娜来…
  • 莉莉丝是传说中人类始祖亚当的第一任妻子,她带着嗜血的欲望从沉睡中苏醒。由于她对上帝的藐视,作为永久的惩罚,她遭到诅咒化为魅魔在人间以吸食无辜男子的精力和淫欲为生。传说只有夏娃血统的大女儿才有能力阻止莉莉丝。 这个神选之人就是瑞雯·瑞 丽,她就是那个带有印记的人,只有杀死魅魔,她才能得以安息。