- The story of "Payne & Redemption" surrounds the psychological trauma endured by the film's main character, a weathered New York Detective, and his journey to seek redemption, after having to deal with a long line of traumatic incidents that have occurred in his recent life. Written by Fergle Gibson
- The creators of a Internet ghost hunters show, film their latest episode. Soon after arriving they find out why people are disappearing. A masked stranger hunts them down through the dark forest of Sherwood.
- Lady Gaga早前在纽约麦迪逊广场的演唱会,获HBO电视台全程跟进拍摄,并将于稍后时间以纪录片形式播放。近日,网上便流传一段Gaga在后台接受HBO访问的片段,可见Gaga一边化妆一边谈及她成名经过,当说到激动之处时,她更忍不住爆粗及落泪:「虽然我已走红,但有时候我仍觉得自己好失败。」Gaga又表示,她不时催眠自己是一名超级巨星,希望能满足…
- 影片讲述了前美国纽约州州长斯皮策传奇般大起大落的政治生涯,详细梳理了斯皮策事件的始末,从他当年高票当选纽约州检察长,到打击华尔街大公司的不法行为、参与对卖淫团伙的查处而被冠以“华尔街警长”成为政界红人,再到“嫖妓门事件”的爆发,斯皮策被限期在48小时内提出辞职的戏剧化的过程。 本片通过大量的对斯皮策的朋友、熟人甚至其…
- people who all end up at this diner when the road washes away, and they find themselves in the presence of a man who calls himself Jesus. "it's set in the vein of that John Cussak movie Identity - it's a faith mystery thriller" - David A.R. White It’s a Twilight Zone-ish tale about a disparate group of trav…