- Moses was just an infant when he arrived illegally at Mayotte, a French overseas island. Raised by a French nurse, he is now a 13-year-old boy feared by some locals because he has different colored eyes, what they call the “eyes of the devil”. Upon his mother’s sudden death and fearing deportation, he joins the slums w…
- Since the cult success of Merci Patron!, activist/journalist/filmmaker François Ruffin has become an MP. Here, he attempts to table a law aimed at upholding the rights of what in Quebec are known as caregivers, and shows us in passing how …
- 夏娃在酒吧遇见了她认为是一个有魅力的家伙。然而,一旦她意识到自己遇到了精神病患者和他的同伙,事情就大错特错了。他们进行了追逐死亡行动,直到她决定与森林作斗争,成为她的唯一盟友。
- 在这部嬉笑怒骂的历史修正主义动画里,挥舞着链锯的乔治·华盛顿集结了一批惹事生非者,包括热爱啤酒的塞缪尔·亚当斯、知名科学家托马斯·爱迪生、优秀马术师保罗·列维尔和暴躁老哥杰罗尼莫等,想要在美国独立革命中击败本尼迪克特·阿诺德和詹姆斯国王。谁会笑到最后?没人知道。只有一件事能确定:他们可不是你印象中的国父。