搜索 Gilles

  • 电影动作
    A fame hungry, chronic underachiever, sets out to seek revenge and kill five people in his lunch break.
  • Two men are getting off a ferry in Iceland. The younger one is a bass player and is here to audition for the singer Bjork. The older one is his driver. They have 497 miles (800 km) before they reach their destination.
  • 电影青春
    风流倜傥的聂赫留朵夫(叶甫盖尼·马特维耶夫 Yevgeni Matveyev 饰)勾引了姑妈家的女仆玛丝洛娃(塔玛拉·肖明娜 Tamara Syomina 饰),在玛丝洛娃怀孕之后,聂赫留朵夫无情的抛弃了她,导致她被雇主逐出了门外,流落街头。无奈之下,玛丝洛娃只得依靠出卖自己的身体来换取金钱勉强度日。终于,玛丝洛娃犯下了无可挽回的罪行,被推上了法庭,在…
  • Fresh out of prison, Daniel joins a group of criminals in the Parisian suburbs. There he discovers a world where he is accepted as a friend and 'part of the family'. But has he made the right choice? And will he be finally able to face up to his own responsibilities?
  • 《伪君子》《吝啬鬼》《恨世者》……莫里哀的作品构成了鲜活又辛辣的社会风俗画,也以高级喜剧的典范地位屹立于世界戏剧史上。以莫里哀及其作品为灵魂的法国老牌国家剧院法兰西喜剧院2017年复排《恨世者》,导演克莱芒·埃尔维尤-莱热以全新视角解读这部古典主义喜剧代表作,力图扎根于当代,激发经典之中的生命力。他重新设置了舞台,放弃原著…
  • Estranged parents move heaven and hell to control their teen daughter Persephone but she has dreams and aspirations of her own.
  • A pulsating documentary charting the extraordinary life and career of underground DJ icon, music producer and global trip hop mogul, James Lavelle. Starring DJ Shadow, 3D of Massive Attack, Futura, Ian Brown, Grandmaster Flash and Josh Homme.
  • More than just an abbreviated form of "La Belle Noiseuse", Rivette re-cut his footage with some important differences in point of view - this one being more from Marianne's point of view.
  • 横跨法国、台湾,重金来台拍摄,大银幕还原世纪弊案!法国记者丹尼罗伯著书揭露国际金融丑闻,涉及法国对台销售-拉法叶军舰的重大弊案,掀起一场横跨欧亚的解密风暴。2001年,法国记者丹尼罗伯著书揭露明讯银行的国际金融丑闻,案件涉及法国对台销售-拉法叶军舰的重大弊案,非但知悉内幕的人员离奇死亡,法国、比利时、卢森堡、台湾等各-国金融…