搜索 Giner

  • Birbirlerini çocukluklarından beri seven Nazlı ve Mustafa, bir türlü evlenememişlerdir. Arkasına sığınacakları bahane çok olsa da, parasızlık, bunun başlıca sebebidir. Ailelerinin, arkadaşlarının ve mahallenin gözleri önünde defalar…
  • The year is 1961. During a cocktail reception following a national convention on Turkey's automobile industry, prominent Turkish journalists, bureaucrats and businessmen join President Cemal Gursel in a discussion of the country's potential of building its own industry. When the president says Turkey has the power toma…
  • This is a story of two legendary men, Karagoz and Hacivat, who lived and died by their sense of humor. Bursa, 1330. A an ancient, crowded Roman city at the border of Byzantium. Changed hands 4 years ago and the small Ottoman tribe is just being transformed as a local state, on the remains of the old Eastern Roman Empir…
  • La vida y los trabajos de Hermógenes Cayo, santero de la Puna argentina, en Cochinoca, Jujuy, a quien se llamó el "Leonardo de la Puna" por las múltiples facetas de su talento y sensibilidad. Un artista indígena que dedicó su ar…
  • Musa Rami是凶杀组的一名警官,因顽强抗击犯罪团伙成员已成为一个传奇。而在其家人为他安排惊喜派对,庆祝他63岁生日前夕,他发现自己患上癌症并只剩下两个月的生命。在这两个月的时日里,他能够在击败强烈威胁家人安全的犯罪团伙的同时向比自己小40岁的大学女生Funda表达出自己的深深爱恋吗?荣获2007年安卡拉国际电影节最佳男演员奖,2007…
  • 从事不法经营的亿万富翁去世,他十亿美元的财产成了夺取的对象。当他的艺术收藏品被计划在拍卖会上出售时,两个来自德国的土耳其大盗被雇去盗取价值连城的油画。与此同时,时装设计师Seckin——也是Binnur的兄弟——前亿万富翁的妻子,却正在将要实施盗取行动的同一酒店内准备一场时装秀。伴随着警方,漂亮的模特和她的前情人,狗仔队、两个寻求…
  • 《岛上的人》是西班牙诗意写实主义电影的最后一部杰作,这个短暂的电影运动在西班牙只存在了几年的时间,从50年代中期开始到60年代初结束。随后就是CARLOS SAURA等一批青年导演领军的西班牙新浪潮电影的正式登场。5 (如果按事实说,我觉得西班牙的诗意写实电影要比法国更为浪漫一点,法国人其实算比较实在的)Before making his f…