搜索 Gloria

  • THE INTELLIGENCE MEN is the big screen debut from the popular British comedy duo. Eric and Ernie are bungling spies attempting to go undercover in an enemy operation. However, with the hapless twosome, nothing ever goes as planned
  • 11岁的Julien(Gilles Budin饰)被送到英格兰提高英语技能。在那儿,他第一次真正接触女孩子并喜欢上了比他大一岁的Janet。Janet却对年长些的法国男孩Jean-Pierre(Michel Gibet饰)更感兴趣。Julien没有嫉妒,事实上他自己也有点迷恋Jean-Pierre。三者之间维持着微妙的关系,直到同伴们开始取笑Julien和Jean-Pierre是同志。J…
  • 本片根据法国文豪莫泊桑的名著《奥尔拉》(法语:Le Horla)改编;主人公以第一人称的形式进行叙述。以日记形式描写了主人公的焦虑和恐慌:他感觉到有一个看不见的生物体存在于他的周围,并命名其为« 奥尔拉 »。 他开始还是清醒的,然后在试图摆脱奥尔拉无形的控制过程中,逐渐变得疯癫。
  • A troupe of beautiful young dancers find themselves stranded in a sinister, spooky old castle, not knowing that it is home to a group of vampires.
  • 怪医DrHympp戴着怪兽面具,在晚间出动四出诱拐猎物:嬉皮士、女同志、艳舞女郎与一名记者惨被怪医非法禁锢,成为他研究人类性欲的白老鼠。
  • 这是一个关于手足之情的温馨故事,以出生在一个医生世家的两兄弟冲突纠葛为主线,表现了亲人之爱,令人感动。从父亲那里继承了诊所的亚历山大·斯滕伯格有两个儿子:法比安和马克斯,兄弟俩性格迥异,不甚融洽。当年事已高的斯滕伯格夫妇决定把诊所交给内向稳重的外科医生法比安时,马克斯满腹牢骚……
  • Leila porter comes to dislike her husband James, a glue king who is always eating onions and looking sloppy. But after she divorces him and marries two-timing playboy Schuyler Van Sutphen the now-reformed James looks pretty good.
  • New Italian mob kingpin Nicky Cottero (Kirk Acevedo) shows his no-holds-barred style by threatening the Donnelly boys' mother (Kate Mulgrew). Meanwhile, Tommy is forced to accept Dokey's bribe; Sean continues his recovery; and Jenny deals with the consequences of bedding Samson (James Badge Dale).