搜索 Godderis

  • Microbes are brought back to earth via a space probe from Venus. A scientist is using them in experiments on aging, but dies before the work is finished. His assistant approaches an aging actress who is being passed by for the lead roles, and she injects the serum hoping to become young again. When the actress is still…
  • 屋子中倒着一具尸体,门帘还在颤动,从窗户中看出去,一个神父模样的人匆匆走远。在街角,他脱下外袍,露出自己本来的衣服。他走进教堂,昏暗的灯光中见到一位神父,年轻的神父认出他是教堂管事凯勒,凯勒要求罗根神父为他忏悔。在告解室,凯勒说出了自己谋财害死伊列斯特先生的经过……忏情记是电影大师希区考克最强烈、邪恶黑暗的故事,述说内…