搜索 Granada

  • A superstitious, illiterate young gypsy servant girl comes to live with a solitary female artist at her country chateau. The girl has recurring nightmares of a naked man on horseback assaulting and abusing her. As the artist takes the girl under her wing, an sensuous relationship develops between them. At the same time…
  • Celebrity Fit Club is a reality televisionseries which follows eight overweight celebrities as they try to lose weight for charity. Split into two competing teams of four, each week teams are given different physical challenges, and weighed to see if they reached their target goal weights. They are monitored and superv…
  • 改编自真实案件。描述 Brian Reader, John Collins, Terry Perkins, Daniel Jones 等人策划并实施哈顿公园保险箱有限公司惊天大劫案的故事。哈顿公园作为知名的珠宝交易中心,进驻有大约300家钻石、黄金和珠宝交易商以及50多家商店。2015年4月3号正值复活节假期又恰逢逾越节,许多珠宝商和交易商假日期间把库存暂时放在保险库内。窃贼们在墙上打…
  • 《拯救萨莉》是由艾维德·莱恩戈恩执导的一部科幻爱情电影。马蒂是一名抱负远大的漫画家,他一直暗恋着他最好的朋友—萨莉,而萨莉是个小发明家。爱情故事总会面临各种各样的困难,萨莉由于父母的过度保护,不被允许和其他人交朋友、出去玩,而且萨莉还面临着要被迫嫁给一个她不喜欢的男人。马蒂虽然对其他事物一窍不通,但他凭借画漫画的一腔热…