- ABC's critically-acclaimed and award-winning reality show Shark Tank has announced the addition of three new Guest Sharks including Charles Barkley, Matt Higgins and, for the first time, former Shark Tank entrepreneur-turned-Shark, Jamie Siminoff. After his debut in the tank in 2013, Siminoff went on to sell his invent…
- Cyril falls head over heel for the new girl in his class. Roxy is drop dead gorgeous and she is cool. But there is a problem. Cyril is terribly self conscious because he's got a rather large nose. And while he writes songs for and about his beloved, he is too shy to let her know they are his and pretends they were writ…
- On the season six premiere, a couple from Ft. Worth, TX turned tragedy into inspiration and devised a unique way to swaddle a baby; a gentleman from Los Angeles, CA wants to put the "man" in manicure with his nail salon for guys only; two men from New York believe they have designed a better version of the at…
- Budding entrepreneurs with big ideas can still make their dreams come true and ABC is about to give them the chance to make it happen. Each week a group of self-made millionaires from all corners of the business world take their own hard earned money and offer everyday people their one true shot at making their dreams …
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing published his "dramatic poem" in 1779 as a direct response to censure by official orthodox religious circles, to which he was subject after publishing a work by Samuel Reimarus that was critical of religion. He set his story in Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades, where Christians, …