- 理查德·林克莱特新片已在前期筹备中!新作背景设置在1969年夏天,将以孩童视角切入,融入富有时代感的配乐,描述人类登月的那一历史性瞬间。林克莱特表示,“休斯顿曾拥有太多东西:NASA、医疗中心、阿斯托洛体育场。那里有种共同的氛围,所有孩子的父母都是为了共同目标为NASA工作。”目前林克莱特通过休斯顿电影委员会,对大众发出号召,寻求…
- Comme tous les films peut-être, Nous disons révolution, se déplace vers le futur. Un futur, dont le cinéma peut capter les intensités, les vibrations. Et qui inspire l’art filmique à devenir un enjeu politique majeur. Un documentair…
- "In the beginning, Elizabeth picks yellow flowers. On the green hill, facing the sea, between a bunker, the sunshine, and the radiation of the ongoing wars. In these times of lockdown we are filming an hour a day, less than a mile. This is a very old desire to film from home. Klotz and Perceval
- Doctor Sergio Graf becomes a "difficult" patient overnight, and finds himself fighting against an unrelenting health care system. His journey is one of physical deterioration. His wife worries over medical expenses, and his children quarrel while they all take turns caring for him. But despite his growing fea…
- Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everything as they themselves see their hopes …
- 夏娃在酒吧遇见了她认为是一个有魅力的家伙。然而,一旦她意识到自己遇到了精神病患者和他的同伙,事情就大错特错了。他们进行了追逐死亡行动,直到她决定与森林作斗争,成为她的唯一盟友。