- 广州知府查出九王爷欲谋反遭到杀手追杀带着爱女逃到黄澄可之处,黄澄可送二人出城之际,杀手杀死知府和黄澄可师傅,黄澄可带着知府之女逃离,黄澄可为替被九王爷杀死的人报仇,秘密查出九王爷谋反的证据,并将他歼灭……
- In 1980s Romania, Dallas is the biggest show on TV. Actually, it's the only show, besides state-controlled news and North Korean soap operas. The authorities present the saga of a Texas oil family as a cautionary tale about the evils of capitalism. Dallas enthralls the country—including Ilie and his daughter Livia. H…