搜索 HUI

  • 夜深人静,月朗星稀。地处偏远的豆豆村,突然传来的凄厉的惨叫。青蛙村民组成的义勇队全力出击,以最快速度来到出事地点,却看到青蛙嘉咯死于非命,在他身边则是从未见过的赤蟾蜍。众人不由分说,一拥而上将赤蟾蜍拿下,并推到裁判官那里去。大家一致认为赤蟾蜍是杀害嘉咯的凶手,而阴阳怪气的裁判官将其判了烹煮之刑。赤蟾蜍大声鸣冤,百口莫辩…
  • A writer is touched by the story of a former Black Panther who seams to have been wrongfully convicted to life imprisonment 20 years ago. The writer decides to try to help the now middle-aged convict get exonerated.
  • 《赌鬼总动员》是杨静尘执导,午马、郑浩南、谷峰、大岛由加利等主演的台湾电影,该片于1991年出品
  • A Korean American family during the holidays. A play on words Happy Hollow (empty) days as opposed to feeling fulfillment (Full of love, success, joy, achievement) as explored through the relationships of the family and the three sisters. The youngest sister Melanie, and her boyfriend Layne are in a codependent relatio…
  • 16岁女孩比莉被突如其来的消息搞懵了:一直以来和她最亲密的妈妈决定变性!在妈妈做手术、从女人变男人的这一年,她不得不搬去和爸爸住,而且只有在每周二才能和妈妈见一面。比莉倒数着52个星期的过去,与此同时她与两个男孩女孩也分别相处甚密,16岁正是探索自己性的秘密的年纪啊... ◎QAF
  • 电影爱情
  • Remco Albrecht, general director of "Albrecht Construct" and freelance womanizer, reluctantly celebrates his 65th birthday at the insistence of his wife Ineke. At his party, his rebellious daughter Lieke and her friend Merel appear completely drug induced. Merel is also the reason that Remco's son Tobias emba…
  • 富农张顺发和爱阔气的青年唐金勾勾搭搭干起投机赚钱的买卖。他们乘合作社猪食发生恐慌,偷偷驾起小船去收买白莱叶,不但沿途经历了许多风险,到后来事情快要被揭露时,更是惊慌失措,狼狈不堪。