搜索 HUI

  • 4月26日,公开首支预告《PENTAGON Trailer ~come into the world~》[1] 。4月27日,公开出道节目《PENTAGON MAKER》[2] 预告。出道真人秀《Pentagon Maker》是着重网络互动的新形式出道节目,节目通过网上视频点击量决定最终出道成员。从5月2日至7月18日在Naver TVCast M2播出,共10集[3] 。
  • On March 13, 1997, unexplained lights fly over Phoenix and a mysterious man appears, unfolding a series of extraordinary events.
  • The two best friends Mischa Sigtermans and Wijnand Huis were tired of having to be busy with their phones all the time. For this reason, they came up with a plan: 'Project Naptime'. The rules were simple; being dropped in unfamiliar territory with no phones, money, food and no place to stay. During 'Project Naptime in …
  • 台湾剧情短片《520蕙兰》。柏仲想向她的女朋友蕙兰求婚,并精心准备了一场求婚惊喜——“劫持”她每天所乘坐的公交车,然而本该是安排好的假戏却眼看着成为了现实……本片为「给爱丽丝」导演文二北投于2014年拍摄的作品,由郭耀仁主演,其中「给爱丽丝」男主角张再兴在片中也有出演。
  • Yong-pal returns from his grandmother's funeral with a video tape of her will to be played for his family. He is also carrying an invaluable, centuries-old, porcelain treasure. His back gets switched with that of a smuggler who immediately makes plans to sell off the artifact to the highest bidder. Yong-pal and his bro…
  • A boy lost his parents and vision during the Korean War and grwe up wiht his elder sister, an underworld crimelord. He studies for the bar exam unaware of his sister's criminal activities. To make up for her past, she decides to donate her eyes to him
  • 电影
  • 电影
    电影《巡回法官》以北京市西城法院巡回法官赵海为创作蓝本。 讲述了基层法官赵文水走出法院、走进社区,为百姓调解纠纷、化解矛盾的故事,真实、细致地塑造了巡回法官的人物形象,细节生动。影片通过诙谐幽默的语言、京腔京韵的表达,充分展现了新时期首都法官胸怀法治、亲民爱民的时代风采。