搜索 Hajdu

  • The architect, who took up arms for the first time; the celebrated actress, who was swept along by the tide of circumstances; the famous director, who even filmed the atrocities; the pianist, whose performance was followed by thunderous applause on that day of revolution in 1956. How everyday people in Hungary and in C…
  • In the early 1920s, a new school year begins in a small Bosnian village beneath the mountain Grmec. For two young boys, Baja and Ike, it is the end of their childhood and times spent listening to their grandpa's stories about bandits. The first day of school begins well for the two boys, especially for Baja who meets a…
  • 八零年代的匈牙利还是封闭铁幕下的社会结构,少年冬戈(Dongó)就在那样的环境下,从小接受严厉的体操训练,他赢得各项比赛,但父母受到孩子得奖光环的影响,忽视了冬戈还是个孩子的事实。教练铁血的指导也让他身心受创。青少年时期,压抑的情绪终于爆发出来,他短暂告别了体操,虽然之后他重回体操界并赢得世界冠军,但那段逝去的经历始终困扰…
  • 电影战争
  • 本片为首部由美国非裔女性导演所编导的作品之一,片中非裔主角并非电影中常被描绘的受害者或罪犯角色,而是一对中产阶级夫妇,此部独立制片当时毫无在戏院上映的机会,电影差点佚失,直到2015年才又重新修复面世。影片聚焦于一对夫妇,莎拉是大学教授,丈夫维多则是艺术家。暑假来临,维多突发奇想到乡间租一栋工作室,莎拉则继续进行着自己的研…
  • 尤拉伊·亚诺希克(Juraj Jánošík;波兰名:耶日·亚诺西克Jerzy Janosik;匈牙利名捷尔吉·亚诺希克György Jánosik)。18世纪斯洛伐克著名强盗,被称为传奇的“中欧罗宾汉”。1688年1月25日受洗,1713年3月17日被处决。亚诺希克出生在匈牙利哈布斯堡王朝(1686年~1790年)的特尔霍瓦(位于今斯洛伐克日利纳地区),15岁时参加匈牙利人民…
  • A year ago Ernella, Albert and their 10 year old daughter Laura left the country for a better life. They could not get along in Scotland so they came back. In the middle of the night they turn up at Eszter's, the sister's of Enella. Eszter, her husband Farkas and their 5 year old son Bruno live in better circumstances …
  • The story of three women - a famous prostitute, her housekeeper and their new maid - living in Budapest of 1910s, whose passionate, bizarre and complex relationship can only lead to one thing: murder.
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