搜索 Halil

  • 从神学院毕业后的约瑟夫·威利成了一名神父,但在上世纪六十年代黑人神父在美国是极为少见的。约瑟夫因鼓动黑人工人罢工而被贬到路易斯安那州的一所黑人学校担任老师,于是他千里迢迢来到了这所学校任教。学校的篮球队教练离开了,没有人愿意来带这个由黑人学生组成的球队,约瑟夫又担任了教练。他带领球员进入不肯卖给黑人食物的餐馆,他的勇气…
  • 在非洲的小国乍得,十五岁和八岁的两兄弟展开了千里寻亲的旅程。突然失踪的父亲遗留下无法填补的空白,他们逃学,闲荡,走过大街小巷。寻找父亲的道路愈走愈漫长,愈走愈曲折,但是他们热情不变,即使母亲把他们送往管教严厉的寄宿学校亦于事无补。虽是描写失落,却不带半点伤感。小镇生活的温馨祥和,辽阔空间的丰富色彩,两个小演员的天真演绎…
  • Horizon goes behind the scenes at CERN to follow one of the most epic and expensive scientific quests of all time: the search for the Higgs particle, believed to give mass to everything in our universe.However, the hunt for Higgs is part of a much grander search for how the universe works. It promises to help answer qu…
  • 故事讲述两个少年竞争仅有的一个寄宿学校空置宿舍,但是一个渴望更多寄宿学校的人却没有被接受为朋友加油打气,每天被迫长途跋涉。
  • Universally recognized as one of the greatest Egyptian films ever made, The Night of Counting the Years is based on a true story: in 1881, when precious artifacts began showing up at market, it was discovered that members of the ancient Horbat tribe were secretly raiding Deir al-Bahari, the site of a legendary cache of…
  • 电影剧情
  • In Sundo, Romano (Robin Padilla), a retired military operative who goes into seclusion, discovers that he has the uncanny ability of seeing ghosts around people who will soon encounter sudden, disastrous deaths. Worried of his brother, Romano’s blind sister Isabel (Rhian Ramos) persuades him to return to Manila with th…
  • 电影剧情
    在这部成长题材剧情片中,一位退隐的音乐神童(卡希尔·伊夫雷奇饰演)与一位倒霉的高中保安(安东尼·安德森饰演)意外成为了朋友。他们因为对嘻哈音乐的共同热爱而走到一起,他们试图努力让对方从过去的痛苦中摆脱出来,同时希望登上舞台表演。《节拍救赎》由克里斯·罗宾逊(《新美国故事》《New Edition 的故事》)执导,伊夫雷奇、奥卓·阿…
  • A row between keen birdwatchers in Midsomer-in-the-Marsh turns nasty when their president is killed. Patrick Morgan met his death while hoping to sight a rare bird, but is his obsession with ornithology to blame - or something more sinister?
  • 电影剧情
    希腊莱斯沃斯岛(Lesbos),因公元七世纪著名的女诗人萨孚(Sappho)而闻名,她留下无数动人的情欲篇章,也让原本称呼岛民的单词Lesbian成为女同性恋的专有名词。一千多年后,另一个名叫萨孚(Avalon Barrie 饰)的女孩在岛上诞生。她系出名门,家境优渥。性情奔放的萨孚嫁给了老实内向的英国画家菲尔(Todd Soley 饰),两人相约回到莱…