搜索 Halil

  • 宇宙的开端与终结
    Professor Jim Al-Khalili takes us back in time to tackle the greatest question in science: how did the universe begin? Uncovering the origins of the universe is regarded as humankind's greatest intellectual achievement. By recreating key experiments Jim unravels the cosmic mystery of science's creation story before wit…
  • In 1990, a European delegation comes to Tirana to monitor the reforms of the communist regime. A government official is sent on a mission to a faraway prison in order to bring an important dissident back to the capital.
  • 2003年的伊拉克战场上,一个从美国来的年轻人Price正在寻找他的情人,一个被指控为逃兵的海军下士。Price为自己找了一个向导,可随即发现这个向导同时还为敌军服务,为了钱财卷入各种背叛酷刑等战争犯罪中,不过Price是不会因此放弃的...
  • The year is 1999 and the storyline is actually a number of sub-plots all revolving around the 13-year old Clara, a girl that can predict the future and has telekinetic powers. The sub-plots include a boy in her class who has a crush on her, his family, her family and her principal that keeps talking French for some str…
  • A group of boys spend their days seeking work daily in a Moroccan fishing port. Concerned about their future, they decide to save enough money to escape.
  • 在乍得的恩贾梅纳郊区,Amina和她15岁的独生女Maria独居在一起。她本已脆弱的世界,在她发现女儿怀孕的那天分崩离析。对方少年并不想要这个孩子。在一个堕胎不仅受到宗教谴责,而且会受到法律谴责的国家,Amina发现自己面临着一场似乎提前失败的斗争......
  • Dogmatic criticism has condemned brilliant and gifted pictures of the most diverse genre. Let us recall the debate over the unusual adaptation of "Navoi" at the end of the 1930's and the critical articles in the press directed toward the creators of the interesting films about modern times and about the dista…
  • 《区域Q》讲述了一个老爸寻找儿子,不料遭遇外星人的故事。托马斯・马修斯是个调查记者,他的儿子一年前失踪了,一直没有音讯,于是他开始疯狂的搜索。然而这种行为,让他失去了房子还有工作,不过他的老板还是给了他最后的机会――去巴西执行特殊任务…
  • The Treasure revolves around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era and the first half of the 20th century. It discusses corruption and how some clerics have involved religion in politics in order to obtain high positions and gain power which they have abused over the ages.