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  • A Gujarati housekeeping lady in the US allows ambition to get the better of her & gets involved in a world of crime. Simran is a racy, fun film with Kangana Ranaut playing the titular role.
  • 一对当时在星马地区受欢迎的演员歌手Aziz Jaafar和Noor Azizah分别饰演Johari(“Joe”)和 Fauziah。白天, Fauziah和Joe都有稳定地工作。 晚上,他们致力于练习他们的乐队。 Fauziah必须对她那死板保守的父亲(Ahmad Nisfu饰演)保持秘密,一个反对现代青少年流行音乐的人。他们于是开始不顾反对参与唱片公司选秀比赛。Fauziah父亲不能…
  • 坐守著門可羅雀的破落監視器材行,庫杜斯鎮日窩在不見天光的私密暗室內,偷窺著社區中每戶人家的後窗。某天夜裡,他聽到隔牆傳來男童受虐的哀號,切遍每個隱藏鏡頭卻找不到施暴影像。自此,他不惜耗費所有身心精力及僅有的金錢與人脈,只盼能及時營救男童。翻遍大街小巷仍搜尋未果,庫杜斯日漸歇斯底里、瀕臨崩潰,焦慮執念背後隱藏的驚人祕密,…
  • 两伊战争中,空中战场中的交战异常惨烈。1981年4月4日,伊朗空军根据与以色列秘密交换的情报,派出8架F-4“鬼怪”式战斗机空袭了伊拉克在约旦边境的H3空军基地。本片根据这一战斗改编。
  • In an attempt to reunite with her dead girlfriend , Maya evokes dark forces through occult rituals.
  • 电影剧情
    这是一部关于股票交易的影片,处处流露着金钱和欲望,一个草根凤凰男逆袭的故事。男主出生并成长在印度的一个小山村里。男主一心梦想前往孟买,去为自己的偶像(一位金融大鳄)去打工。金融大鳄亦是贫寒出身但却成功逆袭的典范。男一号发誓要成为像该金融大鳄一样的成功男士。男一号凭借自己 的努力和对机遇的掌控,在一年时间内,成为该金融大…
  • A portrait of five Vancouverites living on society's fringes during the 2010 Winter Olympics, "Luk'Luk'I" takes us into uncharted territory, falling somewhere between a fiction we need to see and a documentary we wish didn't have to exist.
  • "Day of the Gusano” documents not only a historic performance from one of the most exciting live bands on the planet, but delves deeply into the lives of the band’s fans as well. This highly anticipated show gives a window into the ch…
  • Set in Miami, Florida, veteran Detective Matthews (Hans Hernke) gained his reputation by solving cases from his office, but when an aggressive sadistic serial killer threatens his city, he is forced to leave the confines of his precinct to hunt for him and a helpless kidnapped victim. As time is running out, his person…