搜索 Han

  • "Day of the Gusano” documents not only a historic performance from one of the most exciting live bands on the planet, but delves deeply into the lives of the band’s fans as well. This highly anticipated show gives a window into the ch…
  • Set in Miami, Florida, veteran Detective Matthews (Hans Hernke) gained his reputation by solving cases from his office, but when an aggressive sadistic serial killer threatens his city, he is forced to leave the confines of his precinct to hunt for him and a helpless kidnapped victim. As time is running out, his person…
  • The poor, downtrodden (beautiful, of course) "dutiful" daughter in a London society family falls for a barrister, disguises herself, and takes a job as governess to his son. Adapted from the novel, "A Little Flat in the Temple"When lawyer David Trent pays a visit to Emmet Mortimer's London home, Shi…
  • A talented young woman from a rural village travels to the "Big City" of Johannesburg, South Africa to become a Star. She lands a role in a musical play about Zulu Queen Mkabayi, Shaka's Aunt and searches for her identity as a Performer, a Zulu, a Woman and a Daughter. Will she be able to keep up with her mor…
  • 电影剧情
  • 苦逼青年浩利巴多怀揣音乐梦想,幻想着自己的专辑能够大卖让自己身价倍涨,从而能够遇见自己的梦中情人思薇蒂。思薇蒂是耀眼夺目的电影明星,丽质天成。一位是苦逼穷屌丝,一位是人间富贵花。一次不经意的邂逅,一次啼笑皆非的误会,让他们的命运有了交集,一段浪漫爱情由此开始。
  • This episode is actually called Nemesis. Jack Taylor: Nemesis Iain Glen returns in the second of three new crime dramas, based on the novels by Ken Bruen, about a former Garda officer now working as a private investigator after being fired from the force. Jack is asked to locate a former enemy who has been kidnapped an…
  • 电影
  • Jack and Darragh are hired by the head of a large software company to find out who has stolen valuable games data from the company. Jack takes an liking to the main suspect, but when she is killed, Jack suspects his employer and vows to bring him down.
  • 當我們失去所愛之人時,他們的精神在某種層面上會與我們同在。只要能堅持不懈,他們就在我們的腦海中,在美好的回憶中永生。妮娜經營著一家手相館,丹尼爾是同一社區極為富有的房產開發商,無意間妮娜讓丹尼爾與死去的妻子梅姬重新聯繫上,這個偶然的機會卻成為一種危險的痴迷…