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  • 电影喜剧
    受动荡时局所迫, 英属加勒比的一位独裁者逃离岛国,与美国郊区一位叛逆少女住在一起,教这位女孩如何开始一场革命,推翻高中坏女孩的统治。
  • 电影喜剧
    衣冠楚楚、左右逢源的林卓生(孙兴 饰)是娱乐圈小有名气的男星,虽然近些年人气直线下滑,甚至一度成为票房毒药,但是他还勉为其难顶着喜剧之王的桂冠苦苦支撑。从心底热爱表演的他厌烦经纪人Martin对其商业化的包装,更不愿为了名利向财大气粗的郭氏集团低头,如今他只想等合约期满后息影几年,找一个安静的所在好好休息一下。家住笑笑村的村…
  • Dane Granger returns to her hometown for a funeral of a friend. While there she must face the demons of the past. There is madness, love, and loss as we journey with Dane to figure out what kind of person she truly is.
  • 电影喜剧
    卡莉(杰斯·麦卡兰 Jes Macallan 饰)是一名职场上的女强人,苦心经营着父亲的食品公司。卡莉似乎将太多的时间都交给工作了,她的私人空间几乎为零,自然也没有任何的感情生活可言。和她大相径庭的,是她的姐妹卡迪(艾普尔·鲍白 April Bowlby 饰),她即将和男友在圣诞平安夜前携手步入婚姻的殿堂。卡莉和卡迪的祖母立下过一个奇怪的遗嘱,卡…
  • 电影惊悚
    阿莉莎,一个年轻女人断了胳膊,腿和马克,一个老兵遭受创伤后应激障碍,必须生存nano-robotic僵尸爆发的归零地。 阿莉莎,在轮椅上,必须用她的智慧逃脱一个废弃的医院在运行时被僵尸马克,必须收回他争夺海洋学到的技巧,如果他能够活着出来。
  • After being accused of her family's murder, Sarah Campbell has moved from her home in Odessa, Texas to the smaller, peaceful town of Manchester, New Hampshire. Stuck in an unfamiliar place, Sarah rediscovers joy in her oldest hobby: dance. Sarah joins a local dance-team run by dance legend Jay McConnell and befriends h…
  • To help his brother achieve his goals as a student of classical music, a man sacrifices his own ambitions of a career as a serious musician and settles for being a drummer in a night club's band. As his popularity increases and his band gains a degree of fame, the drummer whom he replaced becomes determined to sabatoge…
  • A “double bill” of two Russian operatic masterpieces. Legendary bass Evgeny Nesterenko stars in the title role of Aleko (1892), an early work of Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), written the composer was still a student at the Moscow Conser…
  • A reclusive man is tormented by a vicious vampire who seems to be connected to his dark, secretive past involving his ex-fiance.
  • This documentary on The UFO Phenomenon aims to show that some UFOs may be extraterrestrial and that secrecy and ridicule are regularly employed to keep the truth about UFOs hidden.