搜索 Hang

  • Musician Alex Zhang Hungtai has been abroad for a long time and returns to Hawaii. He does not know what he is looking for himself. There is an unspoken past that resonates in his melancholy crying saxophone solos. He walks around a bit lost until he meets Akiko, an elderly woman who takes him under her wing. She drive…
  • 15-year-old Jack is on a French Exchange trip with his school. But his mum won't stop ringing to check-up on him. On his last night, his host falls ill and Jack is forced to spend the last day of the trip with his French teacher; the sexy, chic, mysterious Camille. But she is due to endure a family lunch to celebrate h…
  • Neo Rauch has a worldwide reputation as one of the most successful German painters of his generation. His paintings fascinate with their enigmatic realism; characters seem to have fallen out of time and appear in a sleepwalklike state. What the painter is presenting shifts between dream, fantasy and elusive reality, co…
  • 一首在1960年代举国流行的情歌如丝线般缠绕在柬埔寨人的心中勾勒出时代动荡下小人物的情爱绝望与重生一首歌串起三个不同时期的故事并呈现了柬埔寨在红色高棉统治前后的样貌音乐作为人民与土地的灵魂即便历经贫瘠与不堪终究等到了希望盛开
  • Mohawk archaeologist Baptiste Asigny engages in a search for his ancestors following a tragic terrain slump in the Percival Molson Stadium.
  • In a race against time, Henry Golding, our host, has only three days in each country to help those in need and complete his mission. But he can't do it alone, every online and offline contribution, no matter how small, really can make a difference to these people.
  • 电视剧喜剧
    本剧讲述了几名性格各异的种梦大师,发明种梦机器,开办种梦公司,通过为奇葩客户种梦的故事。   种梦师们进入各种奇葩顾客的梦中,扮演各种角色,绞尽脑汁地为顾客设计笑料百出的梦境,用一种戏谑又严肃的方式,通过对经典电影、热门话题、历史人物的高还原度复刻,对社会热点问题进行探究和诠释,在这过程中,帮助顾客解决离奇的问题与心结…
  • 电影喜剧
    衣冠楚楚、左右逢源的林卓生(孙兴 饰)是娱乐圈小有名气的男星,虽然近些年人气直线下滑,甚至一度成为票房毒药,但是他还勉为其难顶着喜剧之王的桂冠苦苦支撑。从心底热爱表演的他厌烦经纪人Martin对其商业化的包装,更不愿为了名利向财大气粗的郭氏集团低头,如今他只想等合约期满后息影几年,找一个安静的所在好好休息一下。家住笑笑村的村…