- Dez, a maverick teenage leprechaun with rookie wish-granting powers, goes on wild escapades with his friends, a Japanese ghost girl named Akiko and a puffin called Puffin, as they wrestle with wishes gone fantastically out of control.
- Chung Woo and Min Woo are married in the celebration of many guests in the church. However, Ahn is not a virgin on the first night, and she breaks up with her betrayal. After that, the chamber starts to wander, sharing love with a man who does not even know his name. Kim, a partner of the company, can not figure out th…
- Tragedy strikes when Chelsea's flight back home crashes in the wilderness. The only other urvivor of the crash, Evelyn King, who just so happens to be a huge fan of Chelsea, pulls her to safety. As Evelyn cares for Chelsea's wounds, she becomes increasingly obsessive. Chelsea begins to realize that her caretaker may ha…
- What is left for an aging, none-too-attractive man whose artistic ambitions faded long ago? The past, once so full of hope, is only a boozy memory of bohemian friends who don’t take him any more seriously than he does himself. Is there any way that he can change his life? Fate, of course, decides for him: one day while…
- 来自比基尼海滩的怪物是一个原始恶魔的故事,他从黑暗的深处升起,以消除它对比基尼美女的贪得无厌的欲望。一个人胆敢怀疑一个太可怕的事实,而一个不诚实的警察却试图利用一生中的分数来赚钱!在命运的驱使下,这两个人发现自己陷入了最后一场血战,以保卫比基尼海滩。他们会及时从野兽肆意横冲直撞的恐怖中救出可爱的卡马洛维尔女士,还是他们…