This TV movie focuses on the life of actor Humphrey Bogart, particularly the part of his life when his marriage to actress Mayo Methot was breaking up and his relationship with future wife Lauren Bacall was just beginningimdb
Will Keane(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)是纽约的钻石王老五,年近50的他极具男人魅力,用微笑和交友令自己的财富一直翻倍,而他和城中女人的关系更是错综复杂。他习惯每天带不同的女人到自己的饭店吃饭、然后睡觉、翌日分手,周而复始。直到他遇到了19岁的女 孩儿Charlotte(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰),她的年轻活泼、天真才气…
A dark comedy about one man's overreaction! Roma's (Anthony Michael Hall) perfect life unravels when his foreman goes missing and he chooses to fire the wrong guy.