- The second season of America's Got Talent, an American television reality show talent competition, premiered on the NBC network on June 5, 2007 with a two-hour episode. Tabloid talk show host Jerry Springer succeeded Regis Philbin as host.Piers Morgan and David Hasselhoff returned as judges, joined by newcomer Sharon O…
- 第一部神盾局电影,故事基于漫画,西崔克尔男爵挂了之后,其女儿蛇神夫人卷土重来,偷了某种大规模杀伤性武器威胁全城,于是神盾局请出已经退休的尼克·弗瑞重新出马,阻止危机什么的,都是很老套的东西。Marvel's hard-boiled hero is brought to TV. He is brought back to fight the menace of Hydra after…