- Comedy adventure series about Matt, an ordinary boy who discovers his family defends a gateway to a different dimension called the Multiverse.
- 二战期间,德国纳粹头子希特勒率领他的坦克部队向盟军阵地隆隆驶来。但他们却遭到盟军的顽强抵抗,经过一番恶战,最终坦克部队全军覆没,希特勒也堕入地狱。地狱之王听取了这个疯子的哭诉,原来是盟军的反坦克步枪(Boys MK.1 Anti Tank Rifle)起了制胜的作用。本片系迪斯尼公司战时与加拿大合作拍摄的教学片,详细介绍了反坦克步枪的构造和性…
- Eight year old Nele is lonely and starts to take matters into her own hands: Fed up with the agonizing, silent boredom, she rambles through the countryside in desperate search of change in her life