- Heather Locklear stars in this psychological thriller as a woman who is racked by multiple personalities and confronts a horrifying past of dark secrets buried a long time ago. When her father dies she descends into a bizarre emotional world where she lashes out at her husband and two young daughters.Written by Keith R…
- 短片开始,观众看到一处被青山绿水保卫的郊外住宅区,名叫洛拉·贝弗利(Lola Beverly)的女记者用她曼妙动人的声音,引领着观众来到一幢豪华住宅前。这座住宅的奢华程度令人咋舌,而它的主人正是超级动画明星兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)。洛拉来到洞口前,叫醒了正在酣睡的兔八哥。后者睡眼惺忪,百无聊赖。应女记者所请,大明星决…