搜索 Heller

  • Recorded At: Maine Road, Manchester on the 28th April 1996 and Earls Court, London on the 4th and 5th November 1995
  • 电影恐怖
    故事发生在某个毗邻原始森林的小镇,一家伐木公司正在林中作业,这时白雪飘然落下,作业暂时停止,然而随即便发生了残酷血腥的事件。与此同时,警长保罗·希尔德(凯文·杜兰德 Kevin Durand 饰)和新来的搭档唐尼刚刚敷衍完几个报警事件,随后驱车来到前妻苏珊(Bianca Kajlich 饰)的家中,接走儿子亚当(Ethan Khusidman 饰)回…
  • 电影生活
    影片以生活在土耳其小城mardin 的铁匠纳扎莱特的平静生活开场,他有贤惠的妻子和一对可爱的双胞胎女儿。然而一战爆发,一天深夜,土耳其警察敲门将他从家中带走,苦难的历程拉开帷幕。在逃脱苦工、饥饿,大屠杀等一系列灾难后,他最终获得自由,并得知一对女儿还活在世上,从此生活的全部目的就是为了找到她们。土耳其到黎巴嫩,古巴再到美国,…
  • 艾格曼(甘纳尔·布耶恩施特兰德 Gunnar Björnstrand 饰)是一位事业有成的律师,这一天,他带着妻子安妮(厄拉·亚科布松 Ulla Jacobsson 饰)去看一场演出,意外的遇见了自己曾经的恋人黛西瑞(伊娃·达尔贝克 Eva Dahlbeck 饰),艾格曼私下里找到了黛西瑞,想要叙叙旧,可是如今的黛西瑞已经是伯爵马尔科姆(凯尔·库勒 Jarl Kul…
  • The nightmare was about a demonic possession. A long time ago, there was an evil in a small town and it was jealous of the girl and would never let her go, since the devil loved the girl. One night, the evil raped the girl and she became pregnant. After months the girl could not hide her baby, her father figured her se…
  • Max believes that his mother is MAX embarrassing, and just keeps saying the most stupid things that make him shiver. At the same time he has totally fallen for Ophelia, a girl in his class, whom he would like to impress. But it's all very difficult, when you really wish to be among the cool guys in school, to be a good…
  • 一個美國攝影師路克和他的英國友人亞當在摩洛哥旅行的時候,他們巧遇了迷人的女性---Zarha,他們都被Zarha神秘而高雅的氣質所吸引,而深深迷戀她,在同遊亞特拉斯山的時候,卻發現令人驚駭的秘密,一系列四通八達的地下通道,暗藏震驚國際的恐怖陰謀,而Zarha卻變了一個樣子…
  • Wanting revenge on a street gang for a rape attack, four young girls get together, take kung-fu lessons, learn how to shoot, form a gang called the Black Alley Cats and search out the gang that attacked them.
  • 如果Martha Washington看起来像甜美的明星安妮特·海雯,我们的历史书可能会读起来像“Kama Sutra”。该电影是属于幽默、半开玩笑的戏剧,但在色情方面向前迈出了一大步。主要来自伊甸园,安妮特·海雯 美得令人发指,迷人得令人发狂,即使这部非常幽默和性感的电影是在两个世纪前拍摄的,它仍然会大受欢迎。