搜索 Herbers

  • 小男孩彼得·贝尔与几个小朋友一起组成了“黑手团”,而彼得就是他们的首领。小彼得在当地是一个知名人物,经常上报纸。不过,对于他的所作所为有报纸是赞扬的,也有的报纸对于他的行为进行激烈批评。一天,彼得·贝尔在打雪仗中无意中打破了邻居格里曼家的玻璃。恰巧当晚格里曼家中失窃,格里曼的金表被盗走。格里曼怀疑是彼得做的,于是报警将…
  • A father takes his wife, two sons, a friend and his daughter on a hiking trip in the woods. After a long search for a spot to set up camp, the father finds a perfect place overlooking a pool. Everybody seems to get settled quickly and when the night falls the two sons listen to a ghost story told by their father's frie…