搜索 Hernádi

  • In another dimension, the villainous scientist Duke of Zill, with the help of his mechanical, geometric army, ultimately takes over the golden kingdom of Oriana, where Duke has just escaped exile! But Felix the Cat must bravely save Princess Oriana and restore order once again, from her terrible Uncle Zill and his smok…
  • 由两位重复出现的人物串起来的五个故事:挖坟人Kapa和Pepe。在第一个故事中,导演和两位编剧作为人物出现。被暗杀后,他们的骨灰被这两个傻里傻气的挖坟人混在一起了。在另一个故事中,一位富人说服了一个穷人不要杀自己,结果却自杀了。在第三个故事中,乡村别墅里的人们沉思匈牙利的历史、革命和暴力……
  • 87年蒙特利尔世界电影节竞赛单元FIPRESCI奖。87年卢卡斯儿童电影节金奖。A 10-year-old Hungarian boy and his grandmother cope with the bloody Budapest uprising of 1956 that led to the Soviet takeover of the country. When the October battles begin, the boy and…