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  • 电影恐怖
    《微型死亡》“性爱”+“死亡”三重奏《微型死亡》(Little Deaths)是由三个英格兰的尖端电影制作人开启的一个疯狂的新型恐怖故事,他们分别是:Simon Rumley、Andrew Parkinson和Sean Hogan,而《微型死亡》将于SXSW电影节期间首映。电影《微型死亡》讲述了三个关于“死亡”主题的故事,不过这些都不是单纯的死亡,而是把“性爱”和“死亡”联…
  • A group of Chicago cops are involved in a raid from which $3,000,000 disappears. The local mob go after them and the body count starts to rise. The new Chief of Police makes it clear to the last remaining officer that he will look the other way if he takes the law into his own hands. When the policeman finds he can't f…
  • 人类已在太空中生活的21世纪,一群死刑犯在处决前志愿前往敌人基地完成危险任务以换取自由。多尔少校负责领军到达敌阵,不见任何敌踪却只有死状怪异的同胞,整个地方如同一座死亡迷宫。在总部的命令下,敢死队继续留下进行彻底搜索,然而怪事不断发生,队员一一惨死,最后只剩下多尔少校和奥巨屈上尉。这时,失踪的队员波突然出现了......
  • 电影
  • Gilles Perret has always associated the name "Walter" and the word "resistance." Even before knowing what the latter meant, Gilles knew that his neighbor had been sent to a concentration camp called Dachau. Through this story of Walter Bassan, a former resistance fighter and concentration camp inter…
  • 本片有6个故事,每个都是意想不到的结果。外星人偷走了我男朋友:两个可爱的外星小妞在停车场撞车降落,在地球寻找男友。昏迷的女孩:变态维修工爱上了在疗养院昏睡的病人。恋爱中的大脑盗贼:一个有权势的老妇人用绝密的换脑装置偷走了一名年轻女子的身体。克隆人的问题:一个调查员去调查克隆人家族,以找到杀害她们的一位姐妹的凶手。四眼:…