搜索 Heywood

  • Young women join a Satanic cult surrendering their will and bodies entirely to the Devil himself. Years later when they're older women, Carlotta, starts to lose control of her 13 year old daughter Daria, who starts to develop strong powers of her own, aware of her powers and with extreme devotion to The Devil she start…
  • A pardoned stagecoach robber, becomes government agent and marries a naive unsuspecting east-coast dentist in order to join a wagon train and catch the smugglers who have been selling guns to the Indians.
  • A 20-something son of a military officer feels like a woman trapped in a man’s body. When he can’t hide it anymore he has a fallout with his ladies man father and leaves home. Now what?
  • 一群生活在费罗纳修道院的修女们,在老院长升天后,权利的诱惑,姐妹们对院长一职进行了一场勾心斗角、明争暗斗、互相残杀的殊死较量,以及修女们不甘寂寞的病态偷情……
  • 根据罗勃特,莫森(RobertMason)的小说《乞儿》(The Lazarus Child)改变,讲述了一个拯救身处危险中的孩子及和时间赛跑的故事。12岁的男孩照顾着他的小妹妹,在他转身的一刻,妹妹出了车祸。深度昏迷的妹妹使的原本分居的父母关系更加疏远,也使哥哥陷入了极度地沮丧中。唯一的希望就是采用一个古怪研究员发明的源头治疗法。而这需要有人进入昏迷…
  • The Nun of Monza is the story of a Spanish nun named Virginia de Leyva (Anne Heywood). As Mother Superior, her convent is the picture of saintliness. That is until a young nobleman (Antonio Sabata) takes refuge there after killing a man. Then, all hell breaks loose. All those who inhabit the habit give in to temptation…
  • 本片改编自英国著名作家D•H•劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence)的同名小说,获1968年金球奖最佳外国英语片。两名同性恋女子在孤立的郊野农场自得其乐,后来一名流浪的海员闯入他们的生活,二女的关系遂不得不重新调整,她们中较粗犷的一名女子成为男女双方的争夺对象。本片以大胆的手法刻画了女子同性恋心理,其中也不乏有赤裸相见的镜头和性的象征,摄…