- After the of premiere of his film Terrestrial Verses (co-directed by Alireza Khatami) in Cannes, Ali Asgari was banned from traveling by the Iranian authorities. But filmmakers like Asgari are not easily deterred from practicing their art, despite unceasing repressive government interference. At the beginning of Highe…
- 德国早期默片Die Herrin der Welt (英文名Mistress of the World)系列(1919-1920, 共8部)的重拍版。讲一位瑞典科学家发明一种强大的机器,中国间谍企图夺取机器,瑞典政府派出两名特工反击。Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a hu…
- 葛葉、叶、ROF-MAOによるThree-Man LIVEをぴあアリーナMMにて開催! 更なる高みを目指し、ここから飛び立て!