搜索 Hino

  • Cab drivers in certain parts of the world are 'walking encyclopedias'. These individuals know just about everything and can discuss whatever issue with their passengers. Such man is Pietro, or Pie, as he is fondly addressed by his family. Pie, has a heart of gold. When we first meet him he is driving a person and talki…
  • Ombres chinoises was produced for the French TV magazine Juste une Image, a monthly show which in its almost three years of production cataloged all kinds of visual experimentations: from Muybridge to the latest computer animation of the New York Institute of Technology. I.N.A. asked for Ruiz's participation for the Ap…
  • 菜摘来到这工场的真正目的,是要打听潜入工场寻找真相的未婚夫的下落。为了揭穿秘密工场的阴谋,拯救未婚夫,菜摘决定以自己的身体作赌注... 身负巨额债务的菜摘被带到一个不见天日的钢铁工场。自己生活无落,听到父亲病危,请假一月从南方回到北方。病床24小时陪护四十天,自己体力、经济条件已到极限,狠心离开。。。。。十天后,父亲病故。真…
  • At a time of social and emotional distress, director Alexei Mizgirev posits that the drive to survive – and surpass – a gruesome situation will prevail. The years when Russia was moving toward a market economy in the late ‘90s were difficu…
  • 在南非玛拉玛拉私营保护区桑德河的北岸,7个神奇的动物生活在一个大小和曼哈顿岛差不多的地方。这部激动人心的影片将向你讲述7个毫不相关的动物是怎样变成一个生活圈的故事。每个动物都有自己的优势,但也有一些弱点,他们的行动总是让人印象深刻。这儿没有弱者的生存空间,在非洲的丛林裏只有一条规则:最大、最强、最快和最聪明的生存。对於神…
  • Humiliations, arrestations, camp de rééducation par le travail, cette enquête illustre la machine répressive chinoise et l’éveil à la notion des droits de l’homme.
  • The clichés of nature documentaries ignore a key landscape feature: villagers just off-camera, who navigate the dangers and costs of living with wildlife. The Maasai of Kenya and Namibia's Himba - two of Earth's oldest cattle cultures - ar…