- 华盛顿天主教堂遭到炸弹袭击,Skinner(Mitch Pileggi 饰)为穆德(David Duchovny 大卫•杜楚尼 饰)和斯科莉(Gillian Anderson 吉莲•安德森 饰)分配工作,一个擅长写FBI题材的好莱坞编剧维尼将作为观察员和这对搭档一起行动。他们来至教堂,在发生爆炸的地下室听到电话铃声,继而找到一具已开始腐烂的尸体。电话显示来电者名为哈弗门,一个…
- W.C.Fields enters the Warmer Bros. Studio. Beans tries to drive in, but the guard throws him and his car against a tree. Charlie Chaplin drives in, followed by Oliver Hardy on foot - but we see that it's really Beans in disguise. Oliver Owl is directing a picture; Beans sneaks onto the stage. He's watching from a catwa…