- Then this is your film. And even if you're not a pumpkins fan, you can certainly enjoy the live performances. The live stuff is fantastic, and the skits are humorous and fit in well. This is one of the best productions by a band I've ever seen, and I hope that Vieuphoria 2 comes out eventually.
- 纪录短片关于60-70年代巴西桑巴音乐大师们。http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=2U6kkbgY27o&NR=1
- based loosely on an Edgar Allen Poe tale, poor Emily De Blancheville (Joan Hills) has no idea of the horror that awaits her at her family's historical home. Her father, living in the home, has changed from a man into a monster at the hands of an ancient family curse. The beast he has become seems determined to murder E…