搜索 Horia

  • Then this is your film. And even if you're not a pumpkins fan, you can certainly enjoy the live performances. The live stuff is fantastic, and the skits are humorous and fit in well. This is one of the best productions by a band I've ever seen, and I hope that Vieuphoria 2 comes out eventually.
  • 影片生动地描写了罗马尼亚多瑙河三角洲某村的一个名叫巴布什卡的少年,同他的小伙伴斯卡蒂在三角洲一个最偏僻的角落——狼岛,发现了一批行凶作恶的走私犯,并勇敢机智协助人民警察将这批走私犯一网打尽的惊险故事。
  • euphoria
  • Puwal is a boatman of Nemuguri village on the bank of a river without a bridge. Recognizing the force of change, he earns money to give his grandson the best education. Life flows smoothly until Puwal hears that a bridge will be built to i…