搜索 Hoven

  • Beautiful, detached, laconic, consumptive Lily Brest is a streetwalker with few clients. She loves her idle boyfriend Raoul who gambles away what little she earns. The town's power broker, called the rich Jew, discovers she is a good listener, so she's soon busy. Raoul imagines grotesque sex scenes between Lily and the…
  • 电影
    1779. Eight-year-old Ludwig van Beethoven, called Louis, is already known as a musical prodigy. He learns to go his own way - much to the dismay of the people around him. Some years later, he meets Mozart during times of political upheaval. The unconventional genius and French Revolution are sparking a fire in Louis' h…
  • If you liked the original "Mark of the Devil" (I didn't personally), this is more of the same. The witch-hunters have been pared down to Reggie Nalder, the weirdest looking but least talented of the various actors in the first one. The movie does have a strong female lead this time in Erica Blanc as a noblewo…
  • Mark 突然收到兄弟Michael二十年前旧情人Grace的来信,Grace的丈夫辞世,继承了丰厚的财产, 并想要与Michael重叙旧情。然而Michael已经因为车祸离世,并且出车祸时,车上还载着Mark的妻子。 在朋友Ronnie的怂恿下,Mark决定以Michael的身份从比利时出发去爱尔兰,去拿属于Michael的钱,去睡属于Michael的女人。。。然而这并不是故事…
  • 圈套自由梦想怎么了
  • 电视剧音乐
    金明民饰演的姜健宇,被称为Maestro姜(姜指),42岁,是一位在欧洲声名鹊起的指挥家。他虽然成就非凡,但为人毫不圆滑,尖刻毒舌、蛮横孤傲、咄咄逼人、固执己见。他要求极为严格,一旦达不到要求的演奏家,他就毫不客气地发挥毒舌功力,骂的对方体无完肤。这样的性格使和他一同 工作的人完全无法忍受,因此,他从来没在任何一家乐团做超过6个…
  • 心如白纸
  • 电影生活
    故事发生在十七世纪的美国西部小镇中,哑女丽姿(达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 饰)和丈夫伊莱(威廉·休斯顿 William Houston 饰)带着他们的孩子们生活在那里。虽然日子清贫,而丽姿又天生患有残疾,可是两人都对目前稳定的生活心满意足。一天,镇上来了一位神父(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰),在见到神父第一面时,丽姿就知道,她的幸福生活…
  • A young man named Rick regularly gets drunk three sheets and seduces women, one after another. But this was not always the case. Once he had a family, rather beloved wife Elke and he was a sailor and had all the chances to become the captain of the ship. One day he was sent to the semi-annual cruise and Elke left alone…