搜索 Hyang

  • 电影剧情
  • Yong-cheol's plans to mary Ok-rim are destroyed by her parents who marry her off to Cheol-ju. Yong-cheol becomes powerful in the business world during the following years and he does his best to make life miserable for Cheol-ju and Ok-rim.
  • After World War II, Moscow and Washington wrangle over the division of Korea while Kim Ku, the leader of the freedom fighters against Japanese colonialism, goes on a doomed mission to Pyeongyang in a desparate attempt to keep the country together.
  • 电影剧情
  • Mun-ho takes Jeong-hw for a prostitute and is very rude to her on a public street. Despite this, Jeong-hwa, who is actually very innocent, falls in love with him.
  • 东方科技研究首席工程师曲兴烈被害,原因是涉及到一宗台湾军火走私案。曲兴烈之子曲强被人称“武神”,其自幼习武,又会气功。曲强五年监狱生活结束之日,也是曲兴烈被人在众目睽睽之下杀害之时。曲强在监狱之中得到一本武林神书,武功已非以往之寻常,他出狱后亲自调查父亲被害之事,后终于在重重压力下亲自杀死了军火走私犯罗主任与周大富……
  • 电视剧喜剧
    警察局所长儿子李梦龙(在熙 饰)从汉城转学到全罗北道南原的某高中,刚到学校就与全校第一名成春香(韩彩英 饰)产生误会,两人之间曲折而又浪漫的爱情喜剧就此展开。梦龙一次无意中将泡酒当饮料喝,阴错阳差地与春香睡在同一个被窝,正巧被双方父母撞见,接着,这个新闻全校皆知,迫于压力两人不得不订下婚约,春香也搬到梦龙家住,帮她补习功…
  • The film "The Nation and Destiny" - the most ambitious project of the North Korean cinema. It consists of 13 independent storylines. Each plot is dedicated to a real person or group of people, which is reflected in the fate of the history of the Korean nation in the twentieth century. Since the film is still …
  • 珍(金希妍 饰)和彬(金松熙 饰)是情同手足的姐妹,两人之间感情十分要好。某日,父亲离家出走,几番思量,母亲决定丢下尚且年幼的珍和彬,外出寻找丈夫的踪迹,这让这两个尚且年幼的孩子早早体味到了人情冷暖,世态炎凉。临行前,母亲将珍和彬托付给了她们的阿姨(金美香 饰)照料,她向两人许下了承诺,当存钱罐里的硬币堆满之时,就是母女…