- This biographical documentary follows Yuri Ivanovich Manin’s stellar career in the ‘golden years’ of Moscow mathematics during the 1960s and 1970s. He was one of the key players in the development of algebraic geometry, at a time when a c…
- Three teenagers, who sexually abused a mentally retarded girl, are being stalked and brutally murdered by an unknown serial killer seeking vengeance......
- Charu and her friends share a rented apartment in a sky-rise in Mumbai. All in their mid-twenties, and each hailing from different parts of the country, they have come here to make this bustling metro their home.One day a labourer comes to paint a soiled wall at her house. Irritated that her flat-mate did not inform he…
- 童年时期的一个盛夏,女孩子面码(茅野爱衣 配音)死于意外。这件突如其来的死亡事件,深深刺痛了她的五个儿时玩伴——仁太、安鸣、雪集、鹤见子以及波波。六人组成的秘密基地“超和平Busters”就此解散,活着的五人带着无法弥补的创伤各自疏远各自长大。十年后,面码居然以一种只有仁太能看见的形式,带着一个想要实现的愿望回来了。\r\n …
- Film experiencia I. base teórica: interactividad del espacio plástico (Equipo 57, 1957. 5’, color, muda, 35mm)
- 2012年冬季 IMAGICA BS 短篇日剧 物語は、悩みを抱えた日本人女性3人が、カナダの地で癒され、再生するさまを描く。内山は婚約者を事故で亡くしたOL役、白石は虚勢を張って生きるのに疲れたレストラン経営者役、市川は家族や恋愛、仕事に揺らぎ自分の居場所を見つけられない管理栄養士役。カナディアン・ロッキーの宝石と称えられるルイーズ…