- Synopsis A film that sheds light on the lesser-known aspects of Liliana Segre, the senator-for-life, a modern figure whose is passionate about transmitting a message of freedom and equality to the younger generations. DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT Liliana Segre must contend with a split identity: she is not Jewish enough for…
- 主人公文森佐是一个名不见经传的律师,主要负责民事诉讼案。虽然本职工作干得平庸无起色,待人接物时常迷糊,但他的脑子里有丰富的哲学思想。电视剧的一条主线为他的私生活:能力广受认可的心理咨询师妻子与其离了婚,但再婚后却又与他多次出轨。文森佐想复婚但屡屡被拒……电视剧的另一条主线则是文森佐的工作,有一天他无奈接下了一起黑帮分尸…
- Eddie (Anthony Del Negro) and his friend Chris (Christopher Lenk) call out for an escort after Eddie's girlfriend (Isabella Racco) breaks up with him and moves out of their house. Little do they know that while Natasha is a breathtaking beauty, she's really a possessed doll created by a mad doctor (Don Scribner) in an …
- “Necrophiliac&The Killer Gimps”汇集了两名流氓英国导演Jason Impey和Kieran Johnston从地下收集的一些种子故事。见证奇怪的故事展现了虐待狂的杀手,疯狂的歹徒,肮脏的荡妇,肮脏的坏蛋和邪恶的纳粹。