搜索 Kilina

  • 《旦夕异客》虚拟了四个平行并进的世界,讲述四个发生在不同时代、不同风格的软科幻故事。故事里的主人公们分别代表着试验品、管理员、幸存者和电子人,他们在科技发展和系统操纵下,逐渐被侵害、剥夺、同化,失去爱人、自由、理想,皆如困兽般被封印在世界暗处和宇宙边缘。在生命转瞬即逝的旦夕之间,他们也挣扎过,也曾试图冲破阶级和命运的牢…
  • 邪恶旋涡
    A group of investigators finds murdered teenagers in a city collector. Unraveling this case step by step, the police faces an unconditional evil - a whirlpool of a big city, which sucks and destroys the weak - those whom no one loves and does not care for. This evil destroys people with impunity, and each of the charac…