- At the turn of the millennium, Juliana, the illegitimate daughter of a colonel who has just committed suicide, finds out that her father was a torturer during the military dictatorship in Brazil.
- Employing a rich trove of archive film, Mirissa Neff explores the history of South Africa’s outlaw multi-racial rock group, who formed at the height of Apartheid. National Wake emerged in the late 1970s with anti-establishment ideals and a…
- With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences of a team of top murder detectives. Slick, modern and fast moving, the series will be shot like a cutting-edge documentary. Each episode of LONDON KILLS will focus on a different murder following the detectives as t…
- 风和日丽的一天,铃木财团巨资营建的铃木塔举行了盛大的开幕典礼。柯南(高山南 配音)和好朋友们自然受邀参观。谁知一名游客突然被远处建筑发射来的子弹狙击身亡,柯南锁定凶手果断展开追击,然而对方胆大非常,公然炸毁拦截他的警车,在重重包围中脱身而去。在此之后,FBI和日本警方组成联合调查总部,经朱蒂?斯泰琳(一城美由希 配音)介绍得…
- A nostalgic and colorful peek behind the pages and personalities of International Male, one of the most ubiquitous and sought-after mail-order catalogs of the '80s and '90s.
- 第75届戛纳国际电影节 将于法国当地时间5月17日-28日举行的2022第75届戛纳电影节,今日发布官方单元入围片单。宋康昊、姜栋元等主演、日本名导是枝裕和执导首部韩语片《掮客》,汤唯主演朴赞郁执导新片《分手的决心》等18部新片入围主竞赛单元。达内兄弟、克里斯蒂安-蒙吉、大卫-柯南伯格等戛纳嫡系导演新作均在列。“阿汤哥”汤姆·克鲁斯主演…
- 密着400日、小栗 旬の素顔に迫る──。 ドラマや映画、舞台で活躍を続ける俳優・小栗 旬(39)。初主演を務め話題沸騰の大河ドラマ「鎌倉殿の13人」(北条義時 役)の舞台裏にカメラが完全密着した。撮影100時間を超す長期取材で、知られざる小栗の素顔に迫る72分スペシャル。