搜索 Ionas

  • SinandIllyhaveaplan:onaGreekislandtheywanttoget'clean'ontheirown.Buttheintentionofthetwogirlsfailsalreadyonthewaytotheairport.FinallySinrealizesshehastogothewayoutofheroinaddictionallalone.
  • Описание: "Этот фильм - мемориал прусскому народу, который родственен своей культурой и языком литовцам и был истреблён орденом крестоносцев. В 13 веке пруссы восстали, над…
  • Sin and Illy have a plan: on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way out of heroin addiction all alone.
  • 电影家庭
  • 廖祥贵(廖启智 饰)当年曾经在《上海滩》中出演一个角色,但无奈时过境迁,观众早已将他淡忘,而多年辛苦的演艺生涯,造成妻子离他而去;女儿琪琪(薛凯琪 饰)从小就没有得到他足够的关爱照顾,导致成年后与祥贵关系疏远。祥贵不能如愿得到主角位置,索性离开电影圈,在一家便利店工作,可他并没有忘记机会是给有准备的人,时时准备再度上镜。…
  • Patricia Woodhouse has been estranged from her sister for quite a few years due to a family feud. Suddenly she receives a letter detailing the sudden death of her sister Susanna Baylock, Patricia returns to pay her respect where she meets Annabel Blair . Annabel informs Patricia that she has now inherited the Baylock r…
  • 电影
    廖祥贵(廖启智 饰)当年曾经在《上海滩》中出演一个角色,但无奈时过境迁,观众早已将他淡忘,而多年辛苦的演艺生涯,造成妻子离他而去;女儿琪琪(薛凯琪 饰)从小就没有得到他足够的关爱照顾,导致成年后与祥贵关系疏远。祥贵不能如愿得到主角位置,索性离开电影圈,在一家便利店工作,可他并没有忘记机会是给有准备的人,时时准备再度上镜。…
  • 电视剧喜剧
    节目以原生老友关系为切人点,每集一个主题、一种情谊。拟邀嘉宾包括地下红娘蔡少芬及十多年好友张晋、没有血缘的twins G.E.M.邓紫棋、心目中的女神Twins、由小朋友变大朋友再变老朋友的容祖儿、 最佳荧幕情侣薛凯琪,还有杨千嬅、钟丽缇、陈松伶及邓萃雯。
  • 动漫剧情
    While the older sister throws out her feelings in poetry slams, the 10-year-old Moja attempts in her own way to hold things together and repair the hole that her mother's death has torn in her family. Sara Kern tells of a childlike process of grief and closure which does not shut its eyes to the cracks in the world, bu…