搜索 Isela

  • Heart of Time permeates the uncharted territory of Chiapas state, in Mexico, at the core of the Zapatistas’ struggle for autonomy. Sonia is about to get married, the families of the couple-to-be have settled all the details, and the dowry …
  • 一段发生在一家国营建筑公司里头的三角恋爱:愤世嫉俗而又魅力十足的工头Hannes Balla,唯唯诺诺的支部书记Werner Horrath(已婚)以及事业和爱情两不误的女建筑师Kati Klee。该片因其反英雄性质的主人公和对社会现状的批评与揭露在拍摄时就引起党内高层领导的不满,勉强公映后五天即遭禁演,直到1990年才得以重见天日,并被评为东德影史最佳之…
  • 20岁的彼得即将离开他服役的海军,他去了一个童年暑假去过的小岛。他晚到在一个看起来被抛弃的地方,除了他有怪癖的婶婶和她长相难看的管家似乎看不到别的女人。然而并不象看起来那么简单。第二天彼得意识到,这个岛上居住的都是沉迷爱欲的女人,他们引诱他进行各种性游戏,他应该离开这座岛还是屈服呢?然而他旺盛的荷尔蒙驱使他按照他的幻想去…
  • A close look at the life of some spanish teenage "delincuentes" at Madrid during the 80s. This is one of Eloy de la Iglesia's best films and a great look at Madrid's 80s, a troublesome and mythical era much funnier than the boring present.Eloy de la Iglesia, who passed away last year, was a cult film maker th…
  • In 1988, Oscar-winning German filmmaker Volker Schlondorff ("The Tin Drum") sat down with legendary director Billy Wilder at his office in Beverly Hills, California and turned on his camera for a series of filmed interviews. The conversation went on for two weeks. The results were aired on German TV in 1992 a…
  • 德国女导演海柯·桑德尔(Helke Sander)出演片中的女主角艾达 - 一个女人、一个摄影师、一个单身妈妈三天的遭遇,在一个特殊的历史时间和地点 - 1977年3月的柏林。艾达是幸运的,也是不幸的。幸运的是拮据的经济状况和生活的压力并没有击垮这个坚强的女人,她依然选择了以一种相对自由和独立的方式去实现自身的价值,在努力工作之余她并没有放…
  • 个性迥异的两兄弟在日本的一间禅宗修道院相聚并且短暂逗留。这趟从德国到日本的旅程带给他们两兄弟意想不到的收获。很快他们就把各自的枯燥生活抛到脑后,仿佛领悟到一些真理似的,开始踏上寻求自我的旅途。 Two very different brothers get together for a temporary stay in a Japanese zen monastry. The t…