搜索 Jae

  • Yong-pal returns from his grandmother's funeral with a video tape of her will to be played for his family. He is also carrying an invaluable, centuries-old, porcelain treasure. His back gets switched with that of a smuggler who immediately makes plans to sell off the artifact to the highest bidder. Yong-pal and his bro…
  • The stress and shame of learning that his son is living with a woman without being married sends a millionaire to the hospital with high blood pressure. The son's girlfriend begins to take care of him there and tries to win him over
  • A boy lost his parents and vision during the Korean War and grwe up wiht his elder sister, an underworld crimelord. He studies for the bar exam unaware of his sister's criminal activities. To make up for her past, she decides to donate her eyes to him
  • เมื่อโชคและอุ้ย คู่รักที่ชื่นชืบการท่องธรรมชาติหายไปในป่าอย่างปริศนานานถึง 3 เดือน เพื่อนๆของโชคและอุ้ยจึงออกตามหา โดยได้นายป่าน พรานป่าที่ชำนาญพื้นที่เป็นผู้นำทาง…
  • 韩国乡间农夫Man-taek已经三十八岁依然未婚, 性格仍是吊儿郎当, 对於女性更有着童年阴影'而不敢恭谨. 家中俩佬眼见邻居在中亚国家的乌兹别克相亲成功娶得美人归, 於是提议/强迫Man-taek也参加乌兹别克的徵婚旅行团. 感情同样未有着落的好友Hee-chul亦跟Man-taek一起远赴乌兹别克, 尝试寻找异国情缘. 两人抵达后, 便由女翻译员陪同相睇. M…
  • 逃亡者,偏偏躲进了偷情现场。因同伴的背叛,成了逃亡者的志勋,为逃避警察的追捕躲进附近一房屋。但这一家,偏偏是妻子目睹丈夫偷情的现场。在这种荒唐的情况下,志勋只好把他们三个抓为人质。绑架犯对我来说是值得庆幸的客人。参加葬礼回来的恩珠...发现家里来了客人, 而且是两个。一个是同丈夫偷情的朋友,另一个是从未见过的绑架犯。在这种…