搜索 Jae

  • 电影生活
  • 电影爱情
  • 因无能力爸爸养不起家庭,家庭走斜坡路,父母离婚的京秀之家....
  • ヒッチコックの『裏窓』の設定を用いたコメディ。殺人現場を偶然撮った男がそのビデオをレンタル店で借りたビデオに紛らせて返却。殺人者は証拠隠滅のため、レンタル店のビデオを片っ端から見る羽目になる……。
  • A young handsome man tries against all odds to lead a life caught between his job and his home. He works at a billiard hall during summer. In winter, he works at a car wash. Although seasons are change, he always works hard and leads a life caught between his job and his home without any change.
  • Deutschland is under the power of Rome; the heartless Empire, ever in need of new conquests, is merciless and its legions pillage and sack throughout the land with deep Gallic hatred. Hermann, son of the Cherusci prince Segimer, is a hostage at the service of Rome and has been given the name of "Armin." Ultim…
  • 故事直接取材于一个普通的家庭。叛逆的二儿子在学习优秀的大哥和小妹的映衬下,更加为家庭所不容。沉默寡言的父亲虽然痛恨不争气的儿子,但还是默默得关心着他。在儿子在学业和事业相继挫折后,才发现家庭那份无言的关爱。在电影最后,家里寄予厚望的大儿子似乎与这个家渐渐陌生,反倒是二儿子,却和父亲坐下来,准备别人结婚的红枣。这时候,父…
  • There is a Reason for My Misery...