- In a blend of fiction and reality, FIVE STAR explores the relationship between two men - Primo, an actual gang leader in the East New York Bloods, and John, a young man trying to decide whether gang life is the path for him. As Primo mentors John in the workings of the gang world, a secret threatens both men's futures.…
- 哈莉·贝瑞将主演Netflix科幻片[母舰](The Mothership,暂译),并担任该片执行制片人。该片由[间谍之桥]编剧马特·查曼自编自导。故事讲述莎拉·莫尔斯(贝瑞饰演)的丈夫从他们的乡村农场神秘失踪,一年后,她在家中的地下发现了一个奇怪的外星生物,莎拉和她的孩子们开始寻找她的丈夫,也就是孩子的爸爸,以及挖掘事情的真相。该片是马特·查曼…